Here's an oldie but goodie for my future co-Graphic Designers:
This website is full of discontinued, reformulated, or just plain useless items that graphic designers of days gone by have utilized in preparing their layouts.
This website is also full of nostalgic articles by past graphic designers, such as "My Most Unforgettable Art Supply Moment".
There's funny stories, and an impressive array of implements that are probably no longer being sold.
Artists can put in comments indicating that either they loved or hated the tool; some even talk about people in their past using these long-forgotten tools!
Here is one of my favorite tools-I wonder if I can still buy them from somewhere?
I would love this EraserStik, because it was good for ink and pencil, and even better-it could be sharpened! How's that for getting into tiny corners, huh?
These EraserStiks were discontinued by Faber-Castell, but I'll be looking out for them for myself!
Check out this entertaining website for yourselves!
I agree! Even though they have the eraser pencil, they should put the brush on there to make it easier to clean up.